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Heyy! My name is Lucian BlackBlood! I’ve been a witch for 6 years. I work with several deities, most were already part of my craft from the start I just didn’t realize it at the time. Poseidon is my main deity. Most of my craft is directed by him. ie, my spirit guides, familiars, etc. im currently in training to become an Oracle for him as well. My craft has been pulled toward the ocean/water even tho I’m very fire based. So you’ll see some odd things within my craft. Heavy use of the Trident, the color blue being used for protection instead of the traditional black and white. Some other things but that’s the most noticeable, at least in my opinion lol. I love creating my own waters and oils. Every spell since the start of my craft has been created by me. I love astral travel and I specialize in creating servitors that have the potential to become their own spirits. If you have any questions dont be shy to reach out!
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